Oil eating Bacteria|Superbug |Bioremidiation of petrolium

For biotoxification or Biodegradation of toxic substances Required a special enzyme which contain encoded gen on Plasmid
Dr. Ananda Mohan Chakrabarty  and his co-workers are isolated a specific organism which is known as Pseudomonas putida in 1989.which can utilize some toxic chemical substances such as 3 chlorobenzene,ethylene etc.Pseudomonas putida is a Gram-negative, rod-shaped, saprotrophic soil bacterium.
V A variety of P. putida, called multiplasmid hydrocarbon-degrading Pseudomonas, is the first patented organism in the world. Because it is a living organism, the patent was disputed and brought before the United States Supreme Court in the historic court case Diamond v. Chakrabarty, which the inventor, Ananda Mohan Chakrabarty, won .
P. putida is a multiplasmid containing orgamism which contain more then one plasmid they introduce by genetic engineering different types of plasmid into a cell and formed this new oil eating bacteria or superbug.
for this experiment they used four different type of plasmid :

CAM plasmid:

It help to degrad  camphor

OCT plasmid:

This plasmid can degrad octane,hexen etc.

XYL plasmid

It help in xylene degradation 

NAH plasmid

It help in xylene degradation  naphthalene
This four plasmids are introduce into a single cell of Pseudomonas putida .




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